
Henry Kissinger Died

He deserved it.  Rare Kissinger W. His ass was so lose from dickriding those dictators that he couldn't help but spew shit bombs all over Cambodia. The only thing he contributed to humanity was the creation of Bangladesh through his unconditional backing of Yahya's murderous regime.

Debunking Out of India

Debunking of Out of India Out of India (OoI) is a hypothesis that has been gaining ground in many right-wing hindutva circles, especially in recent years. It is fueled by two main factors: 1. The right-wing ultra-nationalist hindutva ideology 2. The fact that India has, for centuries prior to independence, been ruled by foreign invaders. As such, many Indians do not want this history of invasion to go back even farther. The second point is due to a misunderstanding of the Indo-Aryan Migration theory, where the theory itself states that it was a migration, or “trickling in”(Witzel 2001) of Indo-Aryans from Central Asia. It stems ultimately from the original hypothesis formulated by the British linguists and philologists during the Raj. Their own biases were introduced which obviously made the hypothesis quite insensitive and racist (19th century imperialism, am I right?). However, the core idea of the hypothesis - that Sanskrit and its daughter languages were descended f